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5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Pharmacy School

Writer's picture: amyjradiamyjradi

It is ok to not know EVERYTHING

Pharmacy school...we all want to be the best of the best for various reasons. Some people are competing, some are perfectionists, and some just want to be the best pharmacist that they can be. My first year, I was so obsessed with knowing every little detail because that's what I thought would make me a better pharmacist. It was not until my second year, when I realized that it not about how much you memorize, it is about how you can apply the information. Don't get me wrong, knowing details is important....but at the end of the day anyone can memorize doses but not everyone can develop the critical thinking skills to solve a patient case. Pharmacy is more about mechanisms, doses, and drug is about the patient. You won't know everything just by studying, since the majority of your patients will not 'fit' into the lecture material. So it's OK...give yourself a break, the more you learn and the more you can apply, you will get there, even if you do not know EVERYTHING.

One of my friends always said..."why do you beat yourself up so much about knowing is just not possible to know all the material and I have accepted that"...Truth

Take a break

We are all guilty of pushing through (some more than others). My secret, I will not eat or go to the bathroom (maybe TMI) until I finish reviewing a lecture...yes I know it's bad...and it's something that I am working on. What I can say, is that I will not study past 10 p.m. Crazy, I know. Most people are infamous for staying up to 2 a.m...but some people just study better at night especially when our days usually don't end until 5p.m... then by the time we get home, eat dinner, etc. etc. it's 8 p.m. One of my biggest tips, it to not 'force it'. If it is late and you are tired, pushing yourself to stay up and drink all the caffeine...your brain nor your body will thank you for it. Honestly, most of the information you study when you are tired, you do not retain might as well just have gone to sleep. (Disclaimer: I do understand that this works for some people)

Dedicating days or times of the week where you do not study is not only good for your mental health but also resets your brain. We all need a break sometimes and nothing nor no one should make you feel guilty for doing so.

Some things I did this year:

  • Mondays: I always would spend 1 hour commuting to Whole Foods to get treats or fun lunches for the week. I LOVE grocery shopping. It is my therapy so I always make sure to take my time and enjoy it.

  • Fridays: At 8pm, I would always be in bed with a movie to treat myself after a long week. (Disclaimer: I would rather watch movies and play games than go out, which I know it's not everyone's cup of tea).

  • Some Weekends: If I had a slow week coming up, I would venture out for the morning to my favorite coffee shop or bakery to just have fun with studying and take my time.

It is ok to say No

In the first year everyone is eager to make their voice heard, gain leadership experience, or maybe start research. If there are not any opportunities that you are interested in, it is ok to step back and just focus on lecture material or other commitments. There may be pressure to get involved, but there are always evolving opportunities that are more applicable to what you are interested in. Maybe some opportunities you take on, but the commitment is not feasible with your lifestyle. It is important to know what you can take on without disrupting your studies or mental health.

It is ok to say no, better opportunities will come along that will fit perfectly in your routine and apply to your strengths and interests.

Spending all your money on Starbucks will not keep you awake

Take it from someone who a spent $500+ in a semester on is NOT worth it. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Starbucks study session, but every day is not financial feasible. If coffee is your thing and part of your daily routine, I highly suggest investing in an espresso machine that actually involves the work of steaming the milk and grinding the beans. If you are someone who needs an afternoon pick me up, some grocery stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's have good quality instant coffee and espresso packets that just need hot water, which is easy to come by...and there you

Barista Tip for Latte People: Double tall lattes are the same price as a grande latte...BUT more caffeine for your buck... as the additional milk can make you more sleepy

Find your people

Pharmacy is hard, but what makes it better is having a circle of people who you respect and respect you back, motivate you, and support you. People who attack your values and motivations are not worth your time. Life is too short to surround yourself with people who tear you down. That being said...'try' not burn bridges. As much as it sucks sometimes, it is better to take the high road and not give people a reason to bring you down.

… this includes faculty

Tip: If you really like a faculty member's way of teaching and personality, make a habit to create a presence, as they might have an opportunity for you in the future or make the directed studies application process easier...not to mention they will be a great resource and mentor as you go through the program.

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